Bo-Edin is a Swedish manufacturer of induction loop systems and has been producing hearing loop systems and other assistive listening products under the Univox® brand for over 50 years. The company, is by far, the oldest hearing loop manufacturer in the World. Driven by a more socialy engaged and resposible scandinavian governmet it has been at the forefront of the technology for 50 years and is associated with most of the major technical innovations in this field including constant current drive amplifiers to uncorrelated loop, Super Loop systems (phased arrays). Operating World wide with products spanning applications from professional AV to transport and domestic use they probably have the biggest product range in the industry. All of the professional amplifiers are backed by a 5 year warranty and supported in the unique, easy to use loop design software.
The product ranges are:
PLS - Professional Loop Amplifiers- these have balanced inputs and are suitable for creating perimeter loops, cancellation loops and figure 8 loops.
SLS- Super Loop Amplifiers- have balanced inputs with dual phase shifted constant current outputs and are suitable for creating uncorrelated hearing loop systems such as Ultra-low spill and metal compensating systems.
CTC- Across the counter systems - supplied as kits with loop pad and microphone for permanent installation on counters, kiosks etc
DLS- Domestic Loop amplifiers- Small amplifiers designed primarily for use in the home with features such as Lip Sync for use with the latest flat screen TV's
CLS - Compact loop drivers- For professional applications such as vehicles, TV lounges and are also the bases of the CTC kits.
TLS - Transport Loop Amplifier- for use on large vehicles eg trains.
P-Loop systems - Porfessional portable room loop kits.
If you are not sure what you need give us a call or email us. 01707 308189 support@univoxaudio.co.uk
Or take a look at our Handbook 'A guide to Specifying an Induction Loop System'