What Assistive Listening Technology Do I Need?

What Assistive Listening Technology Do I Need?

Pellentesque sollicitudin semper est. Fusce a magna a dui scelerisque tincidunt. Nam sollicitudin. Curabitur tortor. Nullam a leo sed magna sollicitudin tempor. Integer arcu. Fusce ultricies justo vitae neque. Donec nisl felis, hendrerit eu, lobortis in, semper at, libero. Vivamus tempus felis in sapien. Nam elit elit, scelerisque vitae, commodo a, convallis elementum, magna. Aenean velit mi, congue non, dictum vel, feugiat quis, dolor. Nunc ut enim non libero convallis varius. Sed quis libero. Phasellus ligula purus, sollicitudin ac, blandit quis, facilisis id, augue. Nunc lectus. Sed aliquam imperdiet eros. Vestibulum sapien. Nullam est. Mauris imperdiet. Vivamus eget ipsum.


Our product ranges are split by manufacturer and application or function.

Univox for  a comprehensive range of induction loops and assistive listening products to meet the needs and requirements of all applications from looping an opera house to helping the hard of hearing enjoy sound in their own home.

OKayo for Radio microphone, FM assitive llstening, sound field systems, Live tour guide systems and Self -tour ( prerecorded) tour guide systems

Fulgor Systems for Active and Passive column Speakers and signal process. A must rin Ecclesiastical and Heritage applications

Tendzone  For DSP signal processing,

An Induction loop system should always be the first choice, however, there will be situations where it may not be practical or possible to install one. For those situations we offer a professional range of FM Systems. The FM systems can be used as stand alone assistive listening systems or used as an enhancement to an induction loop system

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