Copenhagen Opera House, Denmark
- Challenge: Enabling the hard of hearing to enjoy good quality sound taking ito account tiered seating and different construction materials including reinforced concrete and steel
- Solution: The installation of Univox SuperLoopSeries® induction loops, professional loops and cross counter loops within a carefully designed system throughout the opera house.
- Benefit: Exceptional sound quality and clarity whether on floor level or in tiered seating enabling hearing impaired opera fans to enjoy live music and libretto, increasing visits to the opera house.
With the installation of Univox SuperLoop Series® induction loops, the Copenhagen Opera House now offers hearing impaired visitors exceptional sound quality and clarity.
The scope of the project included induction loop system design, quality assurance, installation of induction loop wires and amplifiers and final measurement and certification according to the IEC 60118-4 standard.
In the main stage 4, low overspill Superloops were installed in a specially designed configuration. They were chosen because they are far less sensitive to the influence of metal and maintain a more stable field strength and frequency response. An additional feature allows for the loop system to switch on and off automatically whenever the size of the orchestra space is changed.

The small stage Takkelloftet is a black box stage for experimental performances which offers 200 seats, depending on the type of performance. As many different individual stage designs were to be used, the design of the induction loop wire system had to be flexible. Different designs were used depending on whether the audience was on floor level or in terraced seating.
The Bar and box office was equipped with Cross the Counter induction loop systems to make one to one communiction easy. Use of Superloops helped to overcome the problem of reinforced concrete and steel constructions preventing the correct field strength and frequency response to be achieved.
To enlarge the orchestra space, the front floor area can be lowered in two steps and all 1,800 seats comply with the IEC standard.
Though the project was completed in 2005, the installer keeps in close contact with the Royal Theatre staff to check that the system is working correctly.
The carefully designed induction loop solution has brought new possibilities for hearing impaired opera fans to enjoy both music and libretto. Many visitors have expressed their good experiences and the overall feedback has been very positive.
- Univox SLS®-300 Super Loop System
- Univox PLS®-100 Professional Loop System
- Univox PLS®-300 Professional Loop System
- Univox CTC-121 Cross the Counter System
Project Team
- Dansk HØreteknik A/S, Ølstykke